City Brush & Yard Waste Site

The City Brush Disposal & Yard Waste Site, located at the southeast corner of 16th & West Streets, will be open on Saturday, April 6th. Weather permitting, the site will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 2:30 – 6:30 p.m. for the remainder of the season. A permit is required to use the site and can be obtained at the Osseo City Hall free of charge. Only materials from property within the City will be accepted.

Flushing Water Mains

The City of Osseo will be exercising valves, flushing water mains and testing fire hydrants periodically throughout the months of April, May and June.

Residents may notice mineral particles in their water which can affect laundry operations. If mineral particles are detected, cold water should be run to clear out household water lines.

Part-Time Help Wanted

The City of Osseo is accepting applications for a part-time position to assist with mowing City properties as well as other miscellaneous public works duties (line whipping, weeding, painting, cleaning facilities, etc.). The number of work hours will vary approximately from 8-40 hours per week depending on the season. The applicant must be dependable, at least 18 years of age, and hold a valid Wisconsin driver license. Application and job description are available at City Hall, 13712 8th Street, P O Box 308, Osseo, WI . Phone: (715) 597-2207.

Osseo Area Recycling Center Closed

The Osseo Area Recycling Center will be closed on Thursday, January 31st due to weather conditions. It will be open regular business hours on Saturday, February 2nd from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Recycling Center Closed

The Osseo Area Recycling Center will be closed on Thursday, January 31st due to cold weather. It will be open regular hours on Saturday, February 2nd from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Keeping Sidewalks Cleared

Per the City of Osseo Code of Ordinances, it is the owner, occupant or person in charge of any parcel with sidewalk including handicap ramps, to keep it clear from of all snow and ice. We have come across a number of very hazardous icy conditions that have not been salted or sanded after the recent freezing rain. We need your help to provide safe conditions for pedestrians.


The City of Osseo is looking for lifeguards and water safety instructor for the upcoming 2019 pool season. If you are interested, please call City Hall at (715) 597-2207, or email Amy at [email protected]. Applications are available at or can be picked up at city hall.

Office Closed

The City Clerk’s office will be closed on Thursday, December 13th until approximately 11:00 a.m. due to mandatory safety training for all city personnel.